Sunday, December 9

it`s all about you!


என் முதல் முயற்சி, ஆங்கிலத்தில்!

பிழைகள் இருந்தால் கூறுங்கள், அறிஞர்களே!

It`s about to you,

it`s about to you,
to decide the way of future,
precise the pay which you received,

it`s about to you,
it`s about to you,
no matter what you earned,
so what, the thoughts are fresh,
move on, the future is yours,
go on the further steps,
keep aside the pains in veins,
treat yourself as you are,
the fruitful destiny clearly says,

you are the HERO, you are the HERO,

it`s all about to you,
it`s all about to you,
as every morning start with shines,
clouds may cover, but never stays,
why don`t you start with,
just like a sky?
keep away your negatives,
as like a clouds,

it`s all about you, it`s about you.


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